Monday, September 17, 2012

Trying out DxO ViewPoint

I do a lot of shooting with a Tamron 10-24 Ultra Wide angle lens. I love the wide angle, but it causes a lot of buildings to tilt backwards.

A new program was released this month from DxO labs called ViewPoint and it is designed to help users adjust photos that have an odd tilt to them.

I downloaded the trial on my Mac and in about 5 minutes I was able to make some pretty major adjustments to one of my images. I have to say I am impressed.

I used the "Standalone" version on the Mac since they have not yet released an Aperture Plugin.

Controls are easy to use but I found them pretty slow to respond, even on my Mac with over 12GB of RAM. But still it was very usable.

I tried to do a quick edit on a few other images but the POV resulted in too much cropping in order to fix the tilt in the building, which was not going to leave me with the image I wanted.

I will probably buy a copy of program next time I am in the middle of editing an image that just looks a little off.