Monday, April 16, 2012

Vasco Caves

On Sunday I went to a place called Vasco Caves in northern California. These caves were used by native americans going back 10,000 years.

In the 5 hour guided tour, I filled 2 Eye Fi memory cards and took about 500 pictures.  A few of them came out really well and I will post a few of my own favorites below. It is hard to get a lot of "idea" shots when you are surrounded by 30 other people on the tour, but I got lucky with a few.

I am used to shooting landscape objects at a great distance with the Tamron Ultra Wide Angle lens, but on this trip, I was up close several times and I learned a lot about the limits of the lens.  For one thing, if people are standing at the edge of the frame, they gain a lot of distortion. Very much in a fisheye style.  It really wasn't something I typically see.  I tried to adjust for this in Lightroom 4 by selecting the profile for the lens and it really did not fix the strongest of the problems, so I just didn't use the problem shots.

Typically when I do shoot, I really avoid getting people in my shots so I can focus on the landscape itself, but the caves were just so massive, the addition of people really helped bring things into scale

A few more of the more interesting shots

HDR with 3 bracketed shots

150 images from the trip can be found over on my flickr page.

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